In Search Console, you can clearly see Belgium Phone Number List with which search terms people arrive at a specific page of your website. You do this by going to the 'Performance' report and then clicking 'Pages' at the top of the table. Search Belgium Phone Number List Console Performance Report - Pages In the 'Performance' report in Search Console, click on 'pages' at the top of the table to get the page overview. If you click on the desired page in the table, you can go back to 'searches' at the top of the table. Now you see the search Belgium Phone Number List terms that visitors have used in Google and then clicked through to this page.

Then look at the CTR ( click-through rate ), number Belgium Phone Number List of impressions, number of clicks and possibly position. You can make these columns visible by clicking on the desired statistics at the top of the chart. Which Belgium Phone Number List search terms show this page most often? Which search terms lead to the page most often? And is this also consistent with the search terms/content you have intended for the page? Search Console performance report - select statistics. At the top of the graph you Belgium Phone Number List can turn statistics on or off.

In addition to the chart, you Belgium Phone Number List also adjust the columns in the table below. If the CTR for the search terms for which you want to be found is disappointing, then it pays to take a good look at whether the content Belgium Phone Number List on the page, the meta description and page title are relevant enough to each other and to the desired search term. Check whether the page, and the search result, match the Belgium Phone Number List search intent of the user. Is this person looking for a specific product? Does this person want to make a purchase or compare prices?